
[DAG] Die Alte Garde |
de_russka  0/31 Spieler
Steam    HLSW
[DAG] Die Alte Garde *Warserver*
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Steam    HLSW
TS3: ★ Die Alte Garde - Ts3 ★
0/32 Spieler   Verbinden

Server Rank

1.  -=[DAGS]=- Moses 26,624  1.49
2.  draco 23,825  1.49
3.  [SP] Aggressor 23,602  1.37
4.  -=[DAGS]=- Hulk_Smash 23,273  1.53
5.  bot_in_action 22,416  1.39
6.  flo1307 21,333  1.49
7.  erpelbuerzel 21,152  0.9
8.  Dackelblut 21,086  1.2
9.  Yoshi <mago> 20,658  1.49
10.  Degenhardt 19,932  1.42
11.  Gilbert^GILLIII 18,842  1.44
12.  -=[DAG]=- DarkAngel 18,585  0.81



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Banned for cheating when i dont 31 Jul 2023 15:13 #22790

its been awhile since i was banned from ALTE A1 for cheating when i clrealy do not and other admins of other servers know i dont cheat. but im wanting a reason why i was banned for cheating or for what ever the reason is i was banned.

and request a unban and also im USA so i do not understand german, i had to install a translater for firefox
 thank you ahead

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Banned for cheating when i dont 31 Jul 2023 19:12 #22791

to answer your question we need your nickname with which you are playing with us
and your steam id

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Banned for cheating when i dont 31 Jul 2023 19:51 #22793

well i dont play the game tho steam i got the game tho Lost Soilders website, and my ingame is Alien CrazyETXJew
 but my steam is AlienCrazyETXJew aswell

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Banned for cheating when i dont 01 Aug 2023 19:10 #22794

unfortunately I can't find your nick in our ban list
are you sure that you played cs 1.6 with us and were banned here?

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Banned for cheating when i dont 01 Aug 2023 19:31 #22795

its not Cs its battlefield 2 ALTE A1 server. unless this isnt the same clan which than il feel dumb lol

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Banned for cheating when i dont 01 Aug 2023 19:34 #22796

sorry but then you are completely wrong with us! We only have cs servers

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Banned for cheating when i dont 01 Aug 2023 19:36 #22797

oh well than faceplam im sorry for wasting your time, now i feel like a dumb arse
 anyways thank you for trying to help and hope ya have a good rest of your day

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Banned for cheating when i dont 01 Aug 2023 19:40 #22798

its ok have a nice Day

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